On Safari in Kenya
By Natasha Tuinman
- One minute read - 127 wordsNevertheless, as be harangued them, the satisfaction and admiration
unanimously excited by his costume were dissipated by his words; and when
he reached that untoward conclusion: “As soon as his illustrious eminence,
the cardinal, arrives, we will begin,” his voice was drowned in a thunder
of hooting.
“Begin instantly! The mystery! the mystery immediately!” shrieked the
people. And above all the voices, that of Johannes de Molendino was
audible, piercing the uproar like the fife’s derisive serenade: “Commence
instantly!” yelped the scholar.
“Down with Jupiter and the Cardinal de Bourbon!” vociferated Robin
Poussepain and the other clerks perched in the window.
“The morality this very instant!” repeated the crowd; “this very instant!
the sack and the rope for the comedians, and the cardinal!”